The Drawn-Out Death of America, 1988


Reagan was president. Bush Sr, vice-president. Scandal was about to touch the White House, like Uncle Touchy McFeely does kids at Thanksgiving dinner, as defined as the Franklin Cover Up/Boys Town/Iran Contras (as those events are interconnected).

washington times white house call boy

The “call boys” were trafficked from the midwest. Funny, how Brokaw calls them prostitutes instead of trafficked kids. And funny, isn’t it, how prosecutors went after the use of credit cards to purchase child sexual exploitation instead of going after those pimping the kids.

Those trafficked kids were used as drug mules, hauling cocaine across the nation. The funds from the coke went to fund the Iran Contras.


For more on the subject, I recommend John DeCamp’s book, THE FRANKLIN COVER UP, which details the children abused while in foster care, pimped out to Lincoln, Nebraska elites (including the police chief) by one Lawrence King. It’s a shocking read about the level of abuse these kids endured (and often times did not survive.) and how the media, being insiders with the abusers, ran smear campaigns against the survivors who tried coming forward.

bush sr iran contra dan rather clash

1988 was a pivotal year, for those old enough to remember it. From America and the Soviet Union shaking hands, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan ever at war. BlackRock was formed. Skrillix was born.

But for those who are old enough to have voted… do you recall the breakdown of the American electoral system that year?

Prior to ’88, third parties often showed up on the map during election time.

elections through the ages
An example.

But in 1988, the Democrats and Republicans brokered a deal to share power and exclude third parties from the presidential election.

excluding 3rd parties

Up until ’88, the League of Women Voters sponsored the presidential debates. They stopped due to that deal; Dems and Repubs both wanted the LWV to sign onto the idea to give it legitimacy. However, the LWV felt that a two party dichotomy was not in the best interest of voters as it reduces the election into an Us vs Them mentality, instead of finding common ground and unification. You can watch the ten minute long CSPAN report on it here; it’s well worth the watch.

Consider this: why would two seemingly divergent parties decide to cockblock any other party from getting the presidency? Could it be that the two parties are merely a single entity, acting out dramas for the benefit of Americans who don’t realize that they’re looking at the Left and Right hands of the entity that would take control of America if the chain of command were broken? That since 1988, we’ve been on a terrible trajectory of decimating America, from the inside-out? Clinton failure

I like to think that having actual options regarding parties would be a huge step in fixing what’s wrong with this country. By narrowing the playing field down to a mere two parties, it forces an “Us vs Them” mentality which, I guess, makes the election into Political Super Bowl where only two teams play, year after year, and if you’re with the other team, you’re walking excrement. Because that’s what our country has become: a place of echo chambers. Say the wrong thing, be dismissed as subhuman, worth ignoring. Mocked, name called. It’s prevalent on all sides of the political spectrum. You know what I mean. Libtard, Conservatard… that sort of obnoxious, belittling and dividing behavior.

We’re better than that America. We can call people out by their actions, rather than commenting on their perceived intelligence. Facts work better when it comes to unifying a populace against an entity that rigged the damn system thirty years ago.

fucked up shit

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